Here's where to come to look for those who service the Gringo
Community in Northern Belize and S.E., Mexico! From Car Repair to House Sitting, look here!
Corozal Lawn Care!
Lawn Mowing, Weed Eating, Raking, Cutting, Chopping, Tree Pruning,...
Nathaniel Melgar
(My family personally gives an excellent reference for this honest, hard working, young man who has worked for us since
Shipping Company!
Great for your Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot, Ebay, Mail Forwarding and all other online ordering!
If you can´t get it or it cost way too much and you don´t need it right now then you can order it online from any company
that sells online as long as you have a debit or credit card or a Paypal account (I advise setting up a Paypal Business account,
leaving your name and SS as the business name and adding your bank account to it, this also makes a great backup to your bank
account in case of a lost, stolen or non working card and a second card can be ordered for an additional person like a spouse
or child). Many online companies will let you sign up online and have free shipping!
Here is information about how you can get your goods shipped by this great company. Use this address as your shipping
(Your Name)
c/o Reynolds Shipping
3720 S Normandie Ave Apt 3
Los Angeles, CA 90007-4257
Home: (323) 419-1778
Cell: (310) 259-1693
Belize: Marage Shipping
info.:(501) 624-2654 or 602-5401
Please make sure you have a name on your package to identify that it is yours.
Inform Marage in Belize of what you have coming by printing a list of items and Total $USD you paid without taxes and
Be sure, if your packages need to be delivered, that Marage knows your phone number and Town or Village.
Provide Marage with invoices of your products before they arrive for tax and customs purposes, and please note that duty
on electronic items is 35%.
Most items are a min. of $1.25 US per pound for shipping, added to taxes and customs duties. So your cost is a combination
of shipping, taxes, and customs duties. Leave your invoice in the mailbox in front of our house after the shipment has left
Los Angeles. We are located off of College Road in Corozal, go up College rd. to Henry´s Supermarket (on the left) and turn
left on the first rd. past Henry´s; we are 1 1/2 blocks down on the right. There will be a semi trailer or box truck almost
always park out front.
Check Facebook page frequently for Shipping dates. They post when they are leaving and they post when they are cleared
Belize Customs and arrive in Corozal Town for delivery to begin. There is a list you can be added to for texts. The average
is once a month! It usually takes almost 3 weeks to arrive in Corozal and Marage handles all the headaches! If you live nearby
you can pickup or there are delivery spots like Consejo,...
¨This is the best company price wise and for non-damaged goods! I get a shipment every month and love it!¨- Ruby Wood
(has lived in Belize (mostly) since 2004)
Web Services: Get your domain name for 1 year, a 1 page, web
page created and submitted to Google and Yahoo Search for $75USD, includes photography and/or editing of photos and Logo.
Get your Hotel, Hostel, Guest House, Campground,... with above plus listed with up to 2 booking services for $100USD.
Maintenance ranges from $10-$20USD per month as it is needed. Price includes domain name free the first year. And of course:
a link exchange and free ads on this site for first year.