Chetumal Town Map |
Map from Tourist Services |
Tulum, Q. Roo Area Map |
Map from Tulum Travel Guide Activities pg.12 |
Town of Tulum, Q. Roo |
Map used by permission from TodoTulum |
NOTE: I will be adding some more detailed maps as soon as they are completed. They will have main roads and points of
interest to tourists and gringos clearly marked. The new maps will have a download availabe in sections so that they
can be eaisly read and so that they may be printed out on 81/2¨x11¨ printer paper in black print for quick reference
while visiting the areas of the appropriate maps. The maps are being created with roads referenced from the 2004 Economic
Census Information and points of interest added from my personal experience. I look forward to these new maps with anticipation
and hope that they will help tourists, gringos living in and around the areas of the maps and gringos who may be passing through
or visiting from Belize. They will include the Spanish names of the streets and points of interest will be in both Spanish
and English as room permits. Please be patient and fell free to use the maps above for reference for the time being.
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Chetumal Bay by Local-Gringos Header and logo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative
Works 2.5 Mexico License.
Based on a work at www.local-gringos.com.
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